Active School Homework


Active Homework is given on P.E. days. Children are asked to participate in 10-15 minutes activity, daily, outside of school hours.

Active Homework is an initiative set up to increase the physical activity levels of school going children, thus helping each child reach the national recommendation of 60mins daily.

Here are some ideas to encourage keeping fit :

Cycle your bike for 10-15 minutes

Go for a walk

Dance to your favourite song

Skip for 2minutes (repeat)

Throw a Frisbee to someone for 10 minutes

Kick a football around

Play hurling/camogie/soccer with a friend

Play catch

10 Jumping Jacks(repeat)

20 High Knees

Play balloon tennis/volleyball

Run for 5 minutes

Create your own obstacle/circuit course

10 minute free play outside

Draw your own hopscotch with chalk

10 push ups

20 heel kicks

Hold the plank for 10-30 seconds

Hop on left foot(repeat)

Hop on right foot (repeat)

Squat for 30 seconds (repeat)

Run on the spot for 30 seconds (repeat)

20 sit ups/crunches

20 burpees

20 lunges

Ride you scooter

Go on your roller skates

Do some active housework (hoovering/sweeping)

Play Simon says with exercises

Play badminton