Event Details
Bunscoil Gleann Sidheáin/ Cappoquin Primary School News Update
1. School tours – the only traditional school tour taking place this summer is for 6th class who are going to the Greenway on Friday 11th June. 5th Class are going to do a walking tour of Cappoquin with Kevin McCarthy and then have a picnic at the end of it this Friday 4th June. We might see if the same is possible for 4th class before the holidays. Hopefully school tours for all classes will return as normal next year.
2. Sports Day and Active Schools Week – Next week June 8th to 11th will be our Active Schools week. Sports Day will be on Wednesday 9th June and weather permitting, everyone in the school can look forward to a great day. Thanks to Ms Lyons and 6th Class pupils for organising the timetable for next week. There will be zumba on Tuesday and we have two obstacle course bouncy castles booked for Sports Day (Wednesday.) I need to confirm with our hurling coaches what day hurling will be next week. Our Active Schools Flag was recently renewed and we’ll celebrate that next week. Thanks to Ms Louise Lyons and her Active Schools teams for all their great work in ensuring the flag was renewed. Also if there are any transition or 5th year students at home who are available to volunteer on Wednesday to help with the different stations for Sports Day please let me know and we can see if we can bring a few in. Tracksuits can be worn all next week and shorts can be worn if the weather is warm enough. Could all children bring in €2 each next week to help contribute towards the cost of the zumba and the cost of the bouncy castles please.
3. Booklists for all classes will be sent out in the coming days and the report cards will be sent out before the holidays.
4. Well done to our second class pupils who made their First Confession on Tuesday evening with Fr Gear and Fr Butler. The boys and girls were terrific and it was lovely to listen to them singing their hymns for the ceremony. Thanks to Mrs Curran and Mary Guiry for all their work in preparing the children for First Confession and for First Holy Communion, which will take place on Saturday 10th July. Sixth Class can look forward to their Confirmation Day on Friday July 9 and thanks to Ms Veale for preparing the children. The Holy Family Mission ran a retreat with the class in preparation for Confirmation. Sixth Class pupils were invited into Blackwater Community School this week to have a look around before they start in September.
5. Summer Schools Provision – The Department of Education recently launched summer schools provision. We are going to run the programme for our Le Chéile students for 4 weeks of July starting on July 5th. This year we are not going to run the programme for children in mainstream classes with complex needs as this would have removed the option of summer home tuition for the families concerned. The application forms for home tuition were supposed to have been made available on Monday 31st May but they are not there yet. We’ve been in contact with some parents of students who should be eligible to apply for summer tuition and either Mr Casey, Mrs Price or I will be in contact with other families when the applications become available.
6. Summer camps – we have received loads of brochures online about different summer camps coming up. We’ll attach those brochures to an Aladdin message. Try and support local run ones first if possible but none of these camps have anything to do with our school, we are just passing the details on.
7. Enrolment – Reminder if you know of any family who might be moving to the area and or anyone who might be interested in enrolling children in Cappoquin please put them in contact with me.
Martin Delaney,
Principal Bunscoil Gleann Sidheáin/Cappoquin Primary School