Event Details
Dear Parents,
School will re-open tomorrow morning, we are looking forward to seeing you all. Pupils may wear shorts for August and September if they wish while the weather is good.
There will be no homework until Monday September 6th. Junior Infants will finish at the earlier time of 12noon for their first 7 days. All other classes will finish at the usual times i.e. Senior Infants at 1:45pm and 1st – 6th Class at 2:45pm.
Payment for Arts & Crafts/Photocopying etc and School Insurance will go on Aladdin on Wednesday next September 1st. Please do not send in cash to the school for these payments before that date.
We encourage all pupils to bring in a healthy lunch and plenty of water to school with them each day.
Covid Guidelines are the same as last year. There is no need to complete the Return to Education Form at this time. Please see attached document which outlines as to when you need to keep your child at home.
Thank you, see you all tomorrow.
Martin Delaney